Symposium Organized by the Ukrainian child-analytic research group during war and the Dutch Psychoanalytical Society

Symposium van de Nederlandse Psychoanalytische Vereniging

Vrijdag 17 en zaterdag 18 januari 2025 op het Olympiaplein 4 & Online.

Inschrijving is mogelijk

From desperation to the creation of a future

Organized by the Ukrainian child-analytic research group during war and the Dutch Psychoanalytical Society

Een mooi weekend toegewenst!

Friday January 17th 2025
17:30 - 18:00
Coffee, tea, non-alcoholic drinks, sandwiches
18:00 - 18:15
Opening of the symposium
Introduction by Jaap Ubbels, chair
18:15 - 19:30
Documentary film
19:30 - 20:00
20:00 - 20:30
Coffee break
20:30 - 21:00
Investing in future
21:00 - 21:15
Comments: Leontine Brameijer
21:15 - 21:30
Saturday January 18th 2025
09:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:45
How we played under fire
10:45 - 11:00
Comments by Wouter Gomperts
11:00 - 11:30
Book presentation and discussion
11:30 - 12:00
Coffee break
12:00 - 12:30
The experiences of forced migration in times of war
12:30 - 12:45
Comments by Nelly Vlietstra
12:45 - 13:15
13:15 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:30
Case presentations by Ukrainian psychotherapists
Currently living in the Netherlands
15:30 - 16:00
Closing of the Symposium
Voor samenvattingen van workshops en lezingen, klik op de titels.

‘Huis van de psychoanalyse’, Olympiaplein 4, 1078 AB Amsterdam. Online deelname is mogelijk.

‘Huis van de psychoanalyse’, Olympiaplein 4, 1078 AB Amsterdam. Online deelname is mogelijk.

Het symposium staat open voor alle professionals in de Nederlandse en Belgische GGZ. Speciaal leden van de NPaV, NVPP, VKJP en de kinder- en jeugdafdeling van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie worden uitgenodigd.

The symposium is open for all mental health professionals in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Inschrijfgeld: 150 Euro voor aanwezigheid in de zaal; 40 Euro voor deelname online.

Wanneer er een positief saldo is, zal dit bedrag ten goede komen aan de psychische hulpverlening aan Oekraïense vluchtelingen.

Fee for attending: 150 Euro in the room; 40 Euro online. A positive balance will be donated to mental health aid of Ukrainian refugees.

Via de website onder vermelding van BIG-registratie of IZIV-nummer.

Subscription via website.

Accreditatie is aangevraagd bij de FGzP (klinisch psychologen), NVvP (psychiaters) en bij de NVP (psychotherapeuten).

“A picture to remember."

Director: Olga Chernyk

This highly awarded documentary at the IDFA-festival 2023 starts and ends with a visual and auditory imagination of the brutal Russian air raids on Kyiv in the early morning of February 24th 2022. Though warned before, Ukraine was not ready and an already fragile equilibrium within a history of traumatization collapsed into a nightmare. In the documentary, the voice of the author leads us through decades of family archives as well as the events of the Russian war against Ukraine since 2014. The elliptical and mosaic nature of memory is of the sort that cannot be destroyed or taken away. This provides the main character with the strength to move forward. Visual poetic and metaphoric shots of the family history in Donetsk and Kiev forge an emotional link to the future.

“Psychoanalytic work with adolescents in the time of war"

Presenter: Maria Budya (currently living in the Netherlands)

In the face of such traumatic global events as war, adolescents with their disturbed, fragile and emotionally unstable psychic world are the most vulnerable. This paper is an attempt to investigate in clinical work with adolescent patients (with different backgrounds and current circumstances but all traumatized by war) how our psychoanalytic work can help them to recover their developmental abilities. How to help adolescents to fulfill their developmental tasks, investing in their (and our Ukrainian) future?

“How we played under fire: chronicles of the research teamwork"

Anna Kravtsova (Charkiv)

In this paper the creation, goals and methods of the Ukrainian Research Group of Child Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists are presented. The group process of traumatized psychoanalysts working with traumatized children and their traumatized parents under external fire and bombardments, suffering of many losses and internal, emotional shocks, will be analyzed. The aim of the psychoanalytic research group is to preserve the ability to think, fantasize and play. Also, to preserve the very ability of human hearts and minds to contain and to symbolize something extremely valuable. Some results of their psychoanalytical work in the group will be presented. During an enduring war, this work has a profound clinical impact for bridging desperateness into creating a future.

“The experiences of forced migration in times of war"

Maryna Kuznetsova (currently living in the Netherlands)

In her paper Maryna Kuznetsova reflects her work with Ukrainian families in the Netherlands. All Ukrainian families were unprepared and not ready for a forced emigration. All suffered under the same events, but their experiences, even within one family, were sometimes quite different. The paper focusses on the sense profound loneliness, especially in traumatized children struggling with feelings of incomprehensibility, injustice, envy. How to help these children in creating hope for a new future?